nphPower - Sample Size Calculation under Non-Proportional Hazards
Performs combination tests and sample size calculation for
fixed design with survival endpoints using combination tests
under either proportional hazards or non-proportional hazards.
The combination tests include maximum weighted log-rank test
and projection test. The sample size calculation procedure is
very flexible, allowing for user-defined hazard ratio function
and considering various trial conditions like staggered entry,
drop-out etc. The sample size calculation also applies to
various cure models such as proportional hazards cure model,
cure model with (random) delayed treatments effects. Trial
simulation function is also provided to facilitate the
empirical power calculation. The references for projection test
and maximum weighted logrank test include Brendel et al. (2014)
<doi:10.1111/sjos.12059> and Cheng and He (2021)
<arXiv:2110.03833>. The references for sample size calculation
under proportional hazard include Schoenfeld (1981)
<doi:10.1093/biomet/68.1.316> and Freedman (1982)
<doi:10.1002/sim.4780010204>. The references for calculation
under non-proportional hazards include Lakatos (1988)
<doi:10.2307/2531910> and Cheng and He (2023)